A smile makeover is one of the most comprehensive cosmetic dental procedures that can enhance the appearance of your smile. At Root Dental, we offer comprehensive smile makeovers to our patients to help rejuvenate their smiles and bring a smile that they feel comfortable showing off. Our experienced dentists will examine you and create a customized treatment plan that meets all your requirements and expectations.
How is a Smile Makeover Performed?
A smile makeover can be performed on both adults and children and involves multiple cosmetic dental procedures. Our dentist will examine your smile and, based on individual needs, create a customized plan for you. The procedure can be performed in multiple sessions or as one comprehensive procedure.
The Smile Makeover Procedure
- The process of a smile makeover treatment begins with a comprehensive examination of your teeth, gums, and jawbone. This examination will help us understand your teeth' current condition and determine what needs to be done to improve the shape, color, alignment, teeth spacing, and other features of your teeth. Based on the findings, we will create customized treatment plans for you.
- Once you have decided to undergo the smile makeover treatment, the dentist will begin with reshaping your gums if they are receding to allow more room for your teeth to fit in properly. This can be done using gum grafting procedures in which tissue is extracted from other parts of your body and used to fill in the space created by gum recession.
- If you have damaged or discolored teeth, we may perform cosmetic dental procedures such as dental veneers, composite bonding (to repair chipped or cracked teeth), dental bonding (to reshape your uneven or misshapen teeth), crowns (to improve the shape or size of damaged teeth), or porcelain laminates (to cover discoloration).
- After all these treatments are completed, we will polish your new smile to give them a bright and lustrous look that you can proudly flaunt with confidence. Depending on individual requirements, we may add other cosmetic treatments such as composite bonding or dental implants to complete your personalized smile makeover procedure.
Call us at (772) 569-0123 to schedule an appointment for a smile makeover procedure, or request an appointment online.