Are you wearing your dentures for the first time? Several patients get dentures as a replacement for their missing teeth. Dentures are recommended as the best option for replacing missing teeth as they not only offer aesthetics but are also an affordable solution for missing teeth.
Complete Dentures - Dentistry terms complete dentures as full dentures as they help replace the entire set of missing or damaged teeth.
Partial Dentures -Partial dentures are recommended when only a few teeth are missing and require restoration to fill the missing space.
Immediate Dentures -These dentures are inserted into the oral cavity as soon as teeth get removed. This helps avoid inflammation and swelling of the gums. Once the gums are healed, the appliance would be replaced with a permanent restoration.
Although dentures are the best solution to restore missing teeth, they may be a challenge while patients who are starting to wear them for the first time.
The oral cavity would always consider restorations as a foreign object. Below are a few things you may encounter while getting your first set of dentures.
The best part about your dentures is that they are removable. This feature makes it easier to maintain oral hygiene. But this may post a challenge while you begin to eat with your new dentures. Food such as nuts and seeds may get stuck between the corner of your teeth. So, dentists recommend consuming easy-to-eat food. Ensure to eat with both sides of your mouth while consuming food.
As much as you are excited to wear your new set of dentures, patients may experience difficulty speaking with confidence. Patients may have to learn how to move their tongue around. It is also advised to practice speaking in private.
Sometimes, you may notice your dentures slipping out while smiling, talking or laughing. In case your dentures slip out, you can easily reposition them.
Cleaning your dentures aren't the same as maintaining your natural teeth. Ensuring that your dentures are kept clean, the dentist would provide you with a specific cleaning solution.
It is natural to experience a bit of irritation to the tissues of the gums and teeth. There are several ways one can cope with such irritation. Patients may treat mouth sores with salt water rinses, mouthwashes, etc.
If you are in the lookout for restoring your missing or damaged teeth with dentures, request an appointment with us and we can help you further. Call us at (772) 569-0123 or request an appointment online.
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